Ultiverse. The problem of races, or why everything is a little more complicated than it could be

6 min readJun 9, 2022

Hey everyone, I recently stumbled across a analysis of government in Ultiverse, and then I wondered: “And what other interesting personalities will surround this universe?”, and I began to parse the characters. Oswald was closest to me. So take a seat, we’re getting started.

Oswald card

The problem of humanoids

Ultiverse has three races of human-like creatures: humanoids — are robots created by the campaign of the same name, which is at the top of the hierarchical pyramid of this world; person — is an ordinary mortal who just lives his life; and a modified person is a person with details from a humanoid, but with a human soul (hereinafter I will say a cyborg). Oswald is one of the cyborgs and is a humanoid researcher who is trying to find a code leak that allows humanoids to evolve and eventually think and become human.

In fact, the topic of code that can improve itself is far from new. The first thing that came to my mind was the game “DETROIT: BECOME HUMAN”, and there the problem was that the androids rebelled against people because of the slave fate, since they were able to crack this code, or rather the chip that kept them in this vicious circle. The second thing that came to mind was the recently released movie “Free guy”, the outcome was already different, artificial intelligence, was equipped with a code that improves it over time, and as a result, it completely changed the life of other artificial intelligences in this metaverse, although the distinguishing feature it was that people themselves wanted it and supported this ideology, which is not present in the Ultiverse metaverse. And the last example, the anime “Plastic Memories”, which showed that a person can have passionate feelings for a robot, but there was also a catch there — after a certain time, the android’s memories were simply erased, and you couldn’t do anything about it.

From all this, only one simple conclusion can be drawn, if people support the idea of creating artificial intelligence (humanoids in our case), then it will exist without any problems and reproaches. If people do not want to perceive androids as a person, although they (androids) evolve, then problems cannot be avoided. The second scenario is exactly what happens in the Ultiverse metaverse, which is why the war happened.

The main axis around which all problems revolve

If you know a little about the history of the metaverse (if you don’t know, read it here), then you will say that the world government gave rise to all the problems, and I completely agree with you, because it was they who brought the new race into the world, but still, who will bring to the masses what has already been created? — Obviously this is the part of the population that has become more deeply aware of the humanoids, and who simply cannot resist what they have discovered. One of these is Oswald.

Now I’ll tell you what the rub is. I only see three event scenarios:

  1. The world will correctly perceive the humanoids, and they will become part of the community, which, unfortunately, did not happen.
  2. The world will reject humanoids and say they are dangerous. And then the company that makes humanoids will want to destroy people, since they no longer carry any solvent / physical ability. And then a full-scale war will happen, in which either the company will win with its creations, or the people who will build a new hierarchy will win.
  3. There will be a war (most likely due to the second event), but it is the campaign that will lose, that is, people and humanoids will eventually be friends.

And the question is imposed: “Could it be that if everyone in the world accepts humanoids, then the campaign will disappear?” — I don’t think that will be the case. The campaign is behind the scenes of the government, the company keeps the entire government on itself, and if it disappears, the government will simply remain “naked”, and then bacchanalia will reign. The only option that I see is that the campaign will change its worldview and everyone will live in peace and happiness (but this is unlikely). Or the government itself will start to rule, but it will take a lot of time, but it may be that they are already intending to do something🤔.

Solving all problems, and which person plays a key role

The solution is very simple — an agreement. An agreement between humans and humanoids that will speak of world peace. And the mediator plays a key role — the one who will convey to people the information that humanoids are the same people, but just with a different “stuffing”, he must convey it correctly so that people do not take it with hostility, otherwise the world will never see mutual understanding, and everyone will be angry with each other. And then everyone, just the entire population, which is lower in status than the company, will be like puppets of this very company.

And this is precisely the role that Oswald plays, because only he began to study the humanoid code in detail, and only he will have to convey this to the world. But I, unfortunately, strongly doubt it, because this is a scientist, and usually they lose their temper when they advance in their research. Oswald himself works in the same company, and how she will react to his antics is also unknown, but she is unlikely to turn a blind eye to this, so I think he will either become an exile or be a slave in the company. But in the end, he must pass into the status of an ordinary person, and how he will do this, we will all find out later. Also, do not forget that he can simply be killed by the creatures that he created, which is also a common scenario.


As I described above, I believe that Oswald will have a key role, and all other heroes will have to somehow help him, or resist. If we do not want the metaverse to have the same problems that we have in the real world, we must carefully consider our moves, because as long as our world and the world of Ultiverse are on an identical level, and only we have the right to change this.

Also, I didn’t mention cyborgs here, but they will also take part in this whole game, I perceive them precisely as people who accepted humanoids into our world.

All these scenarios and character roles are my personal opinion, so I would be interested in how exactly do you perceive all this?

Article prepared by SeiNDaSz34#0304

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